Providing state-of-the-art Biofoundry infrastructure and expertise

The Biofoundry supports high-throughput and high-resolution components of the synthetic biology design, build, test, learn continuum.

Researchers and industry can access and partner with the facilities to create new knowledge, develop new bio-industries, and advance solutions to important societal challenges including environmental protection, climate change mitigation and adaptation, protection of public health, agricultural productivity, and environmentally sustainable manufacturing.

Our Synthetic Biology Facilities

  • The Australian Genome Foundry

    The Australian Genome Foundry (AGF) is a high-throughput Biofoundry that can design, build, and test thousands of yeast and bacteria strains per week, allowing us to understand and unlock nature’s potential.

    With capabilities in strain design and engineering, high throughput fermentation, analytical chemistry, flow cytometry, cell sorting, qPCR, and full stack development AGF partners with academics and industry to address fundamental biological questions and engineer superior industrial microbes and proteins.

  • Integrated Design Environment for Advanced biomanufacturing (IDEA Bio)

    IDEA Bio is a cell factory design studio providing cutting-edge synthetic biology services. Offering high-throughput and high-resolution solutions for Australian researchers and businesses, IDEA Bio can help design the genetic changes needed to bring products from milligrams to kilograms, taking a concept idea and turning it into a reality.

    IDEA Bio offers expertise and capacity in project design, deep cellular characterisation, strain performance testing, mathematical modelling, and scale-up design.

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